Worth A Moment

Our journey to walk WORTHY (Eph 4:1)

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Coffee, Pray, Repeat

Why did I break down and cry after getting this free Dutch bros today? Was it because this mommy is once again worn out and the precious coffee people took mercy on me? Or maybe it was because the Lord knew I would need to know He loves me and sees this “Mombie” trying to function on two hours of sleep? Probably both.

You see, I seem to forget how hard it is to raise a toddler, and this time I was blessed with the “she never sleeps,” kid. Thanks, Jesus.  I know David and Logan were babies once and had their difficulties too, but now they sleep like happy little logs, and I think God graciously allowed me to forget their trying times so we would keep having kids. ? So we keep breeding, and I keep running to social media to vent about it all as if something new is happening, except this time I’m writing to myself and to you all because I know there’s a lesson here….

In the midst of my complaining, joking, venting, and humorous retelling of my night-capades with Aria, I’m forgetting that the more I invest worry in this one area of her little life, the further I am from seeing the big picture. Even with children, God never gives us more than we can handle without Him.

I’ll be the first to admit it, having kids is HARD. Why do I ever expect anything less? Completely worthwhile and awesome, but So. Much. Work. Why is that? Because pressure makes diamond (no wonder labor is so intense). In order to mold, shape, and craft these precious people, it takes all of me, my blood, sweat, tears, and other forms of liquid. It’s about putting focus beyond their physical and behavioral needs, consistently building trust, commitment and reassurance that I will always be there for them in the middle of the night, just like my Heavenly Father is for me each time I cry out to Him.

Jesus has reminded me over and over that my children are exactly who I was equipped to raise. Sleep issues and all. And yes, God can move mountains and give us peaceful nights, but having Aria has stretched me to see grace through the bags under my eyes. She helps me grow confidence in knowing each child is wildly different and I’m going to just have to do my best and stop looking across the playground at the other babies playing perfectly. It’s never a good idea to take my eyes off of Aria anyway.

“My children are exactly who I was equipped to raise”

Our kids are the ones we prayed for (technically, David was an accident, but we still like him), rejoiced over, and I get to stay up with them at night and breathe in the scent of a real miracle and blessing. If I look closely, Aria sleeps as much as her busy mamma does and that scares me a little. I think this means I will be chasing her ambitious heart like my mom chased mine.

So to the other tired moms out there, I raise a coffee-brimmed glass to you and am remembering that today I will put on LOVE, not disappointment that my life isn’t perfect, I will pull on COMPASSION, along with yoga pants because skinny jeans with buttons are too much work (and not as nice). I will lather PATIENCE, and lots of deodorant because I didn’t have time to shower…again. And that’s okay. For now, I have all I need for today…and hopefully tonight. And if you hear me complaining, just smile and tell me “It is well.”

“Therefore, God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive. Above all, put on love—the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you were also called in one body, control your hearts. Be thankful.” -Colossians 3:12-15 HCSB

The One My Heart Trusts

I’m sure most husbands can relate to the following statements:

“My wife doesn’t know how beautiful she is…”
“..she still doesn’t understand how I love her so much”

(when asked if she looks fat),

“you have to be fat to look fat babe”

My wife and I are approaching 12 years this May #goals –will you still be my valentine? –Always! . When I think about the ways that I love her I realize she probably doesn’t even know. She probably still doesn’t get it. To her credit though, if I was being honest, it is a moving target. Because when I take the moment to describe my adoration for her I realize its different than the last time. I’m writing this to say, that is a very good thing.

A love that is constantly being redefined is #refreshing! Whether you were fighting and you determined your love for one another through your resolve, or through just another day that you got to appreciate each other, you took the moment to recognize what you have; either way it is revitalizing.

A love that is refreshing is a love that is #growing! Change will reflect one of two things: growth or death. Our natural instinct is to keep love alive, but there are also many natural causes that will attempt to destroy our understanding of love. Thankfully it is never about the circumstance, rather it is what we do under the circumstances that determine whether or not our love will grow from this.

You’re not just exposing your experiences and insecurities to them, you are becoming who you are right before them

A love that continually grows is #active! Love that is willing to reveal its many angles is trusting, vulnerable, and totally worth it! Growing up or growing old has many things to look forward to, but it also has its awkward moments. It’s one thing to share your life with someone, it’s another to share your spirit with them. You’re not just exposing your experiences and insecurities to them, you are becoming who you are right before them. Think about that. Things that are hidden from you about yourself will eventually be revealed to you for the first time and your spouse will be there for the unveiling.


This is a reminder to me of why vows are so selflessly worded. “I will love you…” no matter what is behind the curtain tomorrow. An active love is not just words, but it is the present verb to say I will BE there, to care for, to protect, to guide, and to ensure you make it, just as I would for myself. My wife is not just beautiful, smart and an endless list wonderful things, she is the one my heart trust… #feels

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8

Remembering that “God is Love” is monumental to this entire thought. Consider the hope we have on this side of heaven with an endless understanding of love. God is Love which is the source of this infinite supply. To say I fully understand love would be to claim to fully understand God, since I cannot do that I will be patient in the things that I do not understand. We all have a need to be loved because we all have a need for God, He made that clear in 1 John 4:8. So pursue a love that is refreshing (John 4:14), growing (John 15:5), and active (John 13:34).

The Arizona Cardinals Should Have Won


cam-newtonThis is an emotional response to the crushing loss and humiliating ending to the Arizona Cardinals NFL 2015-2016 season.  This feeling of fury and rage felt at the deepest part of one’s gut is NOT one that can be put into words, but for some fans, this picture alone can induce the feeling.

During that moment I tried to express my distaste for the classless sportsmanship through Twitter, but I’m not sure that was the best way to resolve my feelings:

Disappointment is something I definitely struggle with. Most of the time I place no hope in anything on earth (considering how hopeless it is). But sports represent a different kind of hope, a hope that is intentionally temporal; meaning even when you win you understand the victory is momentary. So in the big scheme of things winning is never everything, but in the context of competition you hope for that temporal victory because of the hunger of the passion within you. Passion is something internal, it doesn’t just “hope” with optimism, but it feeds on any opportunity to triumph. As long as there is an opportunity then there is a hunger, and that hunger is not satisfied until it has seized the opportunity.

“…in the big scheme of things winning is never everything”

What happens when your passion falls short of its pursuit? The opportunity escapes and your passion is more hungry than when it began. Like a cheetah who exhausts itself at its top speed only to see its prey prance away. The opportunity may be gone forever but the hunger rages on. Will your temper ever really be tamed if it settles for anything less?


Since desire and passion are seated within our hearts, perhaps we should remind ourselves of where this unquenchable passion really comes from. We have a Creator who claims to have an all-giving, all-reaching, compassionate, everlasting, forgiving, immovable, irrefutable, irresistible, merciful, overarching, passionate, priceless, undeniable, unfailing, unsearchable, unstoppable love for us that is stronger than death. Like a fire that cannot be quenched by water, God displayed a picture of this passion for His people when He devoured Elisha’s sacrifice with fire from heaven even after it was drenched. If you think your passion is eager, compare it to God’s. His love for you is JEALOUS! (Exodus 34:14) His love for you will always PROTECT, always TRUST, always HOPE, always PERSEVERE. And ultimately, His love never fails! (1 Corinthians 13:6-7)

So while success may be sweet and loss can be bitter, love is still the only thing that satisfies. Seasons may come and go but love will always remain. 1 John 4:8 tells us that “God is Love,” He does not just contain this passion within Himself but He IS the relentless passion. He is the pursuer of the human heart, the lover of your heart, and He put within you that same unquenchable desire so that you might pursue Him.

Therefore, let your passions burn! Let your zeal rage! You were created with intense emotions so that you might run to the Father with the same fervor He has for you. Run the race, “Run in such a way as to get the prize… a crown that will last forever” (1 Corinthians 9:24-25).

Worship Is More Than Praise

I used to believe that a worship team’s role within a church service was to praise while the pastor’s role was to preach. That worship, would cultivate a throne room experience so that God’s word could then be planted and nurtured within the hearts of the congregation through the teaching of His word. But recently I’ve discovered that this just isn’t true.

The truth is, there is a need for preaching within the worship experience. Continue reading

Set Them Up To Watch Them Fall

We’ve all done it. We have all been products of it. It’s probably safe to assume that we all still do it whether we know it or not.

You know when have an expectation for someone, some preconceived thought that you believe someone else is going to attain. Then you don’t tell the person that expectation because the whole reason it is there is because you believe it to be within them; perhaps part of their character. The question is once these dominoes are set up and the first one begins to tip how will you respond? Continue reading

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