Welcome to Worth a Moment! A website created to share our voice as a Nick  (husband) and Andrea (wife) Worth.

We are a couple who hopes to share our journey through life, love, and family. We invite you to engage in our unique perspectives on building and raising a family, enriched by faith and daily learning. Join our adventure, packed with authenticity and insights, proving every moment to be #WorthIt.

Along the way, in an effort to be authentic, we may need an individual voice to make our point, so there may be moments,

“when I need to say something” – Husband

and other times,

“where I need to say something” – Wife

So we encourage you to read as a couple when possible, and appreciate that sometimes another opinion is not wrong, but different. This is especially true in marriage.


Worth a Moment Family

We have a multi-generational home, so between our family of five, our three parents, and the occasional relative or two that moves in for a season, our home is quiet full.

As you’ll come to see, many of our choices were made intentionally and driven by our faith, core values, and a desire to see strong families and communities.

We have led teams, initiatives, projects, and organizations and yet there is something dynamically challenging when it comes to family. We learn new things daily, and want to share our honest outlook on topics that we find matter when it comes to growing a family.

Life is busy and the internet is full of news and opinions, but we believe that the perspective we will provide here will be Worth the Moment it takes. So please follow us. Share us. Let us know what you think.


When sharing on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, we would love to see you share some our hashtags when appropriate

#worthamoment #worthit #walkworthy #worththewait